The American Friends of Herzog Hospital (AFHH) provides financial support to fund services, capital projects, research and purchase of new equipment for Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem. Established in 1894, a small start-up for the Jews of Jerusalem (in what was then Turkish Palestine) who faced a crisis of insufficient psychiatric healthcare, Herzog Hospital has grown today to be the 3rd largest hospital in Jerusalem and is Israel’s foremost center for geriatric, respiratory, mental health, and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. Patients consistently seek out Herzog Hospital with respect to issues associated with aging, such as acute medical problems, rehabilitation, and psychogeriatrics (emphasizing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s treatment and research), as well as for chronic respiratory care (both adult and pediatric). Herzog Hospital’s research department has earned outstanding international recognition—and has often been featured in the news in Israel and across the world for work in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Schizophrenia, and other brain disorders.
Currently, the Hospital constructed a brand new, state-of-the-art Edith and Dr. Heinz E. Samson Medical Pavilion which increased the total bed count from 330 to 600. Herzog Hospital does not discriminate based on national origin, social status, age, language, racial or ethnic background, religious view, sexual orientation or gender. Approximately 15% of Hospital patients are Arab Muslims or Christians.
The off campus Community Mental Health Clinic currently treats 2000+ men, woman and children every month. Specialized pediatric clinics exist to focus directly on the needs of children. Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma provides PTSD treatment and other support to victims of terror attacks, domestic violence, and rocket attacks in the north and south of Israel, as well as to Israeli soldiers and Holocaust survivors. The hospital also has teams that are deployed to work internationally treating the victims of major tragedies. Providing trauma training to professionals throughout Israel and with the establishment of residency training Herzog Hospital has been able to gain world recognition and mobilize teams for worldwide relief.