Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel leads the way in geriatric, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research.
Sarah Herzog Hospital, established in 1894 is Israel's foremost center for geriatric, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. With 330 beds, Herzog Hospital is the third largest hospital in Jerusalem. Today the Hospital specializes in a full range of problems associated with aging-acute medical problems, and physical rehabilitation. Herzog Hospital has a special Children's Chronic Respiratory Care Department which provides respiratory care for children ranging in age. Herzog’s Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences concentrates on Neurodegenerative Diseases with a variety of special projects including but not limited to Parkinson’s Disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimers, and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. The Hospital constructed a new eight floor Edith and Dr. Heinz E. Samson Medical Pavilion with 270 much needed beds. Thirty percent of those treated by Herzog Hospital are Holocaust survivors. Approximately 15% of Hospital patients are Arab Muslims or Christians.
Hospitals Departments, Community Clinics and Research Initiatives:
Division of Geriatrics: Departments specializing in Acute medical problems and rehabilitation including Psychogeriatrics
Physical Rehabilitation: Experienced physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists help patients recovering from hip surgery and strokes to regain a maximum level of functioning.
Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department
Adult’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department
The Departments of Psychiatry have a high level of success in treating those suffering from schizophrenia and other mental illness. Herzog maintains the only unit in Israel specializing in the treatment of severe therapy resistant depression.
The Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences conducts multidisciplinary research focusing on the brain, blending basic and applied clinical sciences with the special patient population available for immediate study.
The Community Mental Health Center
Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma
Herzog Hospital is required to raise part of its operating budget, as well as funds for improvement, expansion and research from private sources, including planned gifts and bequests.
Projects are supported through “FRIENDS OF HERZOG HOSPITAL” groups, overseas and in Israel, and by foundations and individuals.